About The Super Powered Mind

Welcome to The Super Powered Mind!

I write the words that I once needed to hear.

But maybe the fact that you’re here means you needed to hear them too.

The words you read I write from the heart to let you know you have a voice.

To give you the words that maybe you can’t find yourself.

To let you know that you’re not alone.

That you are enough, that you can heal, and that scars can be turned into something so extraordinarily beautiful.

The Super Powered Mind draws on my own experiences and lessons learned from dealing with relationships, narcissistic abuse, mental health, grief, trauma, betrayal, judgement, adversity, the loss of self-worth, and the subsequent healing, self-discovery, and personal transformation that came afterwards.

It's my hope that through The Super Powered Mind you're able to truly believe that you can still have a beautiful and happy life for yourself even if you lost years to darkness, unhappiness, or a wound that took a long time to heal.

Please know that you already have everything inside of you that you’re ever going to need, and that you can reclaim you worth, reclaim your life, and unleash your potential and the amazing person that you’re becoming to create a brand new life of happiness and meaning!

You are so loved, you are so needed, and you bring so many things to this world that no one else can; you are special, and you are unique!

Together we heal, together we reclaim our worth, together we find ourselves and our way again…

Sending much love and healing,

~ Mark Smith xoxo