Your vulnerability makes you beautiful...

Your vulnerability makes you beautiful...

Once upon a time there was a brave and beautiful soul; a gentle and kind human being unlike anyone else.

They had weathered storms, battled with demons, and fought in the shadows.

Life had dealt them a difficult hand.

A hand filled with much pain, sorrow, and suffering.

But little did they know, that this beautiful soul that had been tortured for so long was destined for the most amazing transformation.

Their path had not been an easy one.

But with each teardrop shed, a seed of strength and resilience was planted.

Then there came a day when this beautiful soul realised that they could break free from the chains that had been holding them down.

That everything that had happened up until that point had no bearing whatsoever on the things they could achieve in the future.

Something had shifted.

They began to shed the layers of pain and embrace the beauty of their vulnerability.

It was no longer about trying to erase the scars, but wearing them proudly as a mark of their courage and determination.

They began to take the first steps towards a new life of happiness, purpose, and meaning.

A life that they could be proud of.

A life that would inspire others to do the same.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months; the seeds of courage, strength, and resilience that had been planted long ago began to sprout.

And eventually a beautiful garden began to blossom.

Their once weary heart now beat with joy, and their once cloudy eyes now sparkled in the sunlight.

Their light began to shine so bright.

They started to believe that they were worthy and capable of creating the life that they deserved.

They had healed.

They had become powerful.

They had become happy once more.

You may feel like you’re shrouded in darkness, fighting on a battlefield that just keeps coming at you.

But the strength, courage, and resilience that you are building without even realising it; is going to be what makes you.

They’re going to be the things that help you to turn the darkest days into the brightest day.

The dark skies of night don’t last forever.

Let the dark make you braver.

And let the storms make you stronger.

And let each and every battle you make it through act as a reminder of what you’re truly capable of.

Your future is filled with blank pages.

And right now, you can choose to write whatever story you’d like to write.

Because you get to decide what your life looks like.

Not your past, not your mistakes, and not the opinions of others.

So break free from those chains that are holding you down.

Because the most beautiful future awaits you.

All you have to do, is make the decision to reach out and grab it…

~ Mark


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