Your time is NOW!

Your time is NOW!

Your time is NOW!

You're here NOW!

There won’t ever be a better time.

There won’t ever be a perfect time.

Because we never know how much time we have left...

The best time to make a change or start doing something different is right now.

You don’t need to have all the pieces all figured out.

You just need to start.

Because the missing pieces will present themselves to you along the way.

Leave to the wind what’s out of your hands.

Focus on the things that are within your control.

Become really clear on what it is that you want.

Become really clear on what you want your life to look like.

Then go out, be persistent, and don’t stop until you get there.

Because no matter how hard it feels right now.

No matter how stuck you feel.

No matter how many tears you cry.

And no matter how much you wished that things were different.

Just know that it’s not going to feel like this forever.

And when you start taking those small tiny steps, you start the process of accumulated momentum.

Just keep going and don’t stop.

Don’t give up.

Keep pressing forward no matter what the obstacles are.

It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you’re moving.

It doesn’t matter if you have to change things up.

It doesn’t matter if you take a wrong turn.

The most important thing is that you keep moving.

Have the courage to make the changes you need to make.

Have the courage to let go of the things that are hurting you.

And have the courage to start building the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Because one day you’re going to look back…

And those tiny steps you took that felt so hard today that you forced yourself to take,

will have been the steps that changed everything...

~ Mark

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