Your perfect soulmate doesn't exist

Your perfect soulmate doesn't exist

Your soulmate, the one you fall head over heels in love with; won't be the perfect partner.

They won't tick all the boxes, and they won't get it right all the time.

But they WILL love the real you; the real you with all your flaws, your insecurities, your trauma, and your past mistakes.

They will love being a part of every single aspect of your life and journey, and they will love you unconditionally.

Love isn't something that should only be there when it's convenient or when the conditions are right. REAL love is a commitment to love every single version of someone, to help them grow, and to grow together.

If you're lucky enough to have found someone who loves you unconditionally and loves you when you're angry, when you're anxious, when you're depressed, when you're worried or stressed, when you don't know what to do, or when you've made a mistake and you've disappointed them; make sure you let them know just how loved they are and how much they mean to you.

~ Mark

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