Your FOMO isn't real...

Your FOMO isn't real...

What if getting what you always wanted was as simple as not giving up?

Because even if things aren’t working; if you just keep persevering and you don’t ever give up, it’s impossible to fail.

You may need to change a few things along the way, and the journey might not be exactly as you’d pictured it to be; but if you just keep going, eventually you’re going to see progress.

I’ve met so many people, some of whom I’ve been close to; that I’ve seen try so hard for so long only to give up right before they’re dreams would have become a reality. If they’d only just persevered that tiny bit longer and held out just enough for that one final push, they would have had exactly what they always wanted.

But instead, they made the decision to give up; only to move onto the next bright shiny object and repeat this never ending cycle all over again.


Because they were comparing their journey to everyone else’s.

Remember, just because you share a common goal or aspiration; it doesn’t mean that you’re starting from the same place, or that you have the same resources or knowledge as someone else does.

Being where you want to be isn’t about comparing yourself to others or trying to fit into societies expectations; it’s about YOUR growth, YOUR progress, YOUR story.

The worst thing you can do is compare your Chapter 5 to someone else’s Chapter 17; because your path is completely different to theirs, it’s unique to you. No one else has been through what you’ve been through, no one else has walked in your shoes, and no one else is on exactly the same journey as you.

Be proud of how far you’ve already come.

Be grateful for the opportunities, the experiences, the love, and the people you already have in your life.

Because it doesn’t matter what’s happened before today.

What DOES matter is what you choose to do next.

Where you are today, right now, is page 1 of the rest of your story.

Focus on what you will write on the pages ahead, not the ones already written.

~ Mark


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