You just don't want to believe...

You just don't want to believe...

You just don’t want to believe that someone who you love so much with all of your heart is in fact a narcissist…

It’s unfathomable to think that this could possibly be the case.

Yet once you start looking at the cold hard facts and what has happened, it becomes as clear as day and impossible to ignore.

The one person who was meant to look after your heart was the one person who completely destroyed it.

The person that you were once so glad that they had entered your life, you wish they had never entered at all.

All of those happy moments and memories that you shared; were they even real?

There are suddenly so many questions but it seems so hard to find the answers…

But as the confusion sets in and the realisation hits, the only thing that makes any sense at all is that they are in fact a narcissist.

Because nothing else can explain what they did to you, how they treated you, the things they said to you, or the way they abandoned you.

Sometimes they’re so good at what they do that you don’t even notice or realise until much later on once the chaos subsides.

The journey back is a long road, and it’s an emotional rollercoaster.

It's hard to understand because you're not like them.

How could someone be so heartless?

How could someone be so cruel?

Yet they’ve moved on while you’re still here trying to pick up just enough pieces to somehow manage to trust someone again.

To somehow keep seeing the good in people instead of looking for the evil.

But you are strong.

You are so much stronger than you think.

You are resilient, and you will bounce back.

You can’t change the way people are or how they choose to treat you.

That’s on them.

And they will learn their lessons in time.

But you can decide that you’re worthy of more.

That you’re worthy of respect.

That you’re worthy of someone’s time and affection.

That you’re worthy of someone who will treat you right and look after your heart.

You may not have asked for what they did to you or for the trauma they’ve left you with;

but maybe it’s just shown you what you really deserve by them showing you what’s just not good enough…

~ Mark

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