You haven't just lost the love of your life...

You haven't just lost the love of your life...

It might feel like you’ve just lost the love of your life.

It might feel like you’ve just lost the perfect person for you.

But you haven’t…

Because if they were the love of your life and the perfect person for you, they’d still be here with you.

They’d still be fighting for your relationship because they can’t imagine a life without you.

When we lose a relationship it’s a sort of grieving of that we go through.

Except in some ways, it’s harder.

Because when you grieve for someone that passes, it wasn’t their choice to no longer be here.

But the person you’ve just lost, no matter what the circumstances were; they’re still here walking around on this earth choosing to be without you.

It’s not just them that you’ve lost, it’s your entire future that you had imagined.

And now that future has been pulled out from underneath you.

So it’s normal to feel lost, and it’s normal to feel like there’s no longer a purpose to what you do.

Because everything you did, you did it with them being the center of your world.

Everything you did, you did it for them because you wanted to build a life with them.

When we exit a relationship, we often remember all the good times we had with that person and we tend to forget about all of the bad times.

Because it's the good times that we miss the most.

That amazing feeling that you felt before all of the chaos and the drama began.

That feeling of feeling the deepest, most intense love you’ve ever felt.

And you just want to work things out and have that feeling back more than anything in the world.

You don’t want to look ahead.

You just want them.

But the truth is if this person was right for you, and they were the one for you; they’d be feeling the same way and they’d be there to make things work.

But they’ve made a decision not to be.

And they continue to make that decision every single day.

So how can the right person for you be someone that isn’t choosing to be with you?

How can the right person for you be someone that isn’t respecting you or your relationship enough to fight for it?

Because if the memories of being with this person that you’ve built up so much in your head were real, they would be here trying to save things.

When you meet the right person, the one you’re really meant to be with; you won’t have to worry about them giving up when things get hard.

You won’t have to worry about them walking away.

You won’t have to worry about them betraying you.

You won’t have to continually chase them.

You won’t have to constantly beg them for their time or affection.

Because they will value you and your relationship in exactly the same way that you do.

So the next time you’re sitting there feeling like you’ve just lost the love of your life;

Just remember, that for someone to be the love of your life, it has to involve two people choosing to be with one another every single day…

~ Mark

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