You are NOT a narcissist...

You are NOT a narcissist...

A narcissist is never going to believe that they are wrong.

They won't even consider the possibility of it.

They won't take accountability for any of the things they've done; but instead they will somehow manage to turn everything around, deflect, and then blame you.

They expose the entitled, selfish, and cruel person that they really are that's been hiding under the covers.

You on the other hand don't want to live like this.

You want peace, calm, and genuine real love.

Not the hostility, the evil, or the lack of empathy of the world that they make you live in.

It's one of the most frustrating feelings in the world, because all you want to do is to be heard, to have a discussion about how you feel, to be understood, and for them to show they care.

But all they do is abruptly shut down every attempt of conversation.

They aren't even willing to listen.

They will blame you for bringing the conversation up, and blame you for something that you apparently have done in order to justify their disrespect.

They will make it all your fault and then continue doing what it was that you were trying to have a calm and constructive conversation about.

Because they don't care about how you feel.

They only care about themselves.

They always did.

Eventually you are going to react to their abuse.

This reaction doesn't necessarily mean an exchange of hostilities or some form of altercation.

It could be something as simple as you having to put some healthy boundaries in place in order to protect you and your mental and emotional well-being.

Even if you did react in anger or with emotion, understand that this is exactly what the narcissist wanted you to do so that they could then turn everything around onto you.

They will use this reaction to paint you as the villain and then play the victim labeling you as the abuser to everyone else.

They will paint a very one sided story and false illusion to everyone they know so that they can maintain their control over you.

If they feel like they are starting to lose their control, they will try to control how everyone else sees you.

After a while their constant abuse and their constant accusations that blame you for everything will start to take its toll.

You will start to even question whether or not you are in fact the narcissist...


A narcissist will make you so confused to the point where you actually start to believe some of the things they are saying.

They make you feel worthless, they make you begin to think that you are a horrible person.

They will condition you through their manipulation, emotionally torture, gaslighting, what they project onto you, and their blaming you for everything, so that you believe you are the problem.

The key reason that you are questioning whether or not you are the narcissist, is because you don't like the way they are treating you, you don't like the behaviours.

The simple fact that you're even considering the possibility that you might be a narcissist because of these behaviours that you dislike so much is one of the biggest indicators that you're NOT.

A true narcissist would not even contemplate the possibility that they might be a narcissist or that they or something they have done is causing the problem.

You are not the narcissist because you chose to take care of yourself and protect yourself from their abuse.

You are not a narcissist because you chose to stand up to their manipulative behaviours.

You are a decent human being that has values and morals, and unfortunately you're dealing with someone who isn't and doesn't

Don't play their games.

Listen to what you're instincts are telling you.

Walk away if you need to, seek help if you need to.

But know that you are NOT going crazy, and you are NOT the narcissist.

~ Mark


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