What does your social media feed really do for you...

What does your social media feed really do for you...

Sometimes it pays to give ourselves some self-love by remembering our own worth in a world that's dominated by a superficial landscape called social media...

It's a good idea to remind ourselves every now and then of what's real, and what's not...

Think about it for a moment; what does your social media feed REALLY do for you?

You scroll through your social media, you see friends and people you once knew but no long speak to travelling, going out, having a great time;

it looks like they're living the dream life.

The life that you want.

Or so it appears...

Nevertheless, you see these endless posts, endless stories, and endless photos.

And before you know it, you're feeling pretty ordinary...

Because your life looks nothing like that.

But here's the reality;

it's NOT real!

People only post the BEST parts of their life on social media.

Very few people show the hard times, the times they broke down in tears, or the moments where it all just fell apart.

What you see is the best of their best.

You'll only see the forty sixth photo they took of themselves just to get the right ONE photo.

You'll never see the other forty five...

And even then, it still contains a filter on their face - That photo is NOT real.

It's a distorted view.

Perfect photo's, perfect moments, perfect skin...

Very little of it represents someone's REAL life.

Social media has unfortunately created one of the worst epidemics of FOMO (fear of missing out) that we've ever seen...

If you're sitting there scrolling through your social media feed feeling like you're falling behind or missing out.

You're NOT!

You're just comparing yourself to people that you shouldn't be comparing yourself to.

Let's face it, most people that people are connected with on social media, they don't even speak to.

They were someone they once knew, but there is no longer an actual relationship.

So why compare yourself to someone that no longer holds any REAL value to your day to day life.

That holds no correlation whatsoever to the quality of your happiness.

Just because you started at the same time, same place, or on the same level as someone else; it DOES NOT mean that your journey is going to be the same.

You're unique, you are living your own unique life.

It's impossible to compare that to what anyone else is doing, because NO ONE else is doing exactly what you're doing.

So stop comparing yourself to someone else's highlight reel when you're only seeing maybe 2% of their entire life...

Because the one thing that social media DOESN'T show you, is someone's REAL story.

Social media lives in a superficial world.

You only see what they WANT you to see.

Your happiness, meaning, and fulfilment in your life ISN'T going to come from scrolling through what someone else has been doing, or from a bunch of likes and emoji's that everyone just forgets about five minutes later.

It's false validation, it's not real.

And it can become harmful to you if you don't remember to keep perspective.

Start being okay with marching to the beat of your own drum!

Start enjoying the process that you're going through!

Create the plan for the life that YOU want to live!

Because when you do that, the idea of comparing your life to someone else seems ludicrous!

The only thing that is going to help you, is by focusing on YOU, and the actions that YOU are taking.

You are never ever going to find your happiness in what other people are doing, so stop looking.

Make YOURSELF happy!

And create your OWN happy life!

~ Mark


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