Use the pain that they left you with, to show them how wrong they were about you...

Use the pain that they left you with, to show them how wrong they were about you...

How often has the fear, trauma, and insecurities from your past held you back?

Fear, trauma, and insecurities that someone else put there.

Fear, trauma, and insecurities that you didn't ask for, and that you didn't want.

Don't allow what's now in the past, or what other people have done to you stop you from moving forward!

Do it to show them that they didn't break you!

That instead you flourished, after they told you that you never could and you never would.

That you continued to believe in yourself and what you were capable of long after they continually put you down time and time again.

That you can make an impact after they told you time and time again that you couldn't.

That you became stronger despite them trying to make you weak, and you built the life that you had always dreamed of without their help.

And do it to show them just how very wrong they were about you.

Just how very wrong they got things...

Because they were WRONG!

But most of all, do it for YOU!

Don't allow their seeds of fear, negativity, and doubt that they planted inside of you to ever take root and grow.

Place aside the emotional trauma that they left you with, and take action on the things you need to do to reclaim your worth, and reclaim your life, piece by piece!

Use the echo of their voice inside your head telling you that you'll have to settle for less than you deserve, to drive you forward.

Turn their negative energy into positive energy that allows you to create the life that you always knew you could have.

Because one day, they WILL realise just how wrong they were about you.

They WILL realise just how wrong they got things.

And they WILL realise that they could have had that life with you.

But by then, you'll have remembered your worth.

And by then, you'll have decided to give your energy to those who TRULY deserve it; and not to someone who simply just said they deserved it...

~ Mark

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