This was truly life changing; in fact, it saved me...

This was truly life changing; in fact, it saved me...

If I had to relive everything all over again, and I could only pick one thing to use to help rebuild who I am, it would be this!

This is something that was truly life changing for me.

To be honest, it saved me...


Because the words we use to speak to ourselves are powerful!

They can lift us up, or they can pull us down.

They can inspire us to take action, or they can leave us feeling depressed.

Our words form our thoughts.

Our thoughts present themselves in our behaviours and our actions.

Our behaviours and our actions determine what kind of life we live and what kind of relationships we have with others.

We all go through moments when we say unkind things to ourselves.

We all go through periods when we're not being the best that we can be both for ourselves, and for others.

But there is a way to overcome this.

There is a way to reprogram the way you think in order to change the quality of your life, your relationships, and your overall happiness.

By using empowering and positive affirmations each day, it helps us to reprogram and rewire those negative thought patterns that we've developed as a result of what we've been through.

It helps us to turn those negative words that hurt us so much into positive words that inspire us.

It seems like such a small insignificant thing, I know; but hear me out...

Once you actually start doing this over and over again, you start to feel and believe the positive words and messages that you are sending to yourself.

They start to sink into your subconscious mind.

And without you even realising it, your actions start to align.

Think about a time when you drove home from work, from school, or from a friends house; and you got home and you didn't even remember the drive.

You got home safely but your mind was on autopilot...

That's because you've done it so many times that it's now part of your subconscious and your mind knows exactly where to take you.

The same can be said for the words you feed your mind.

If I'm honest, I was skeptical at first...

In fact, I was the worlds biggest skeptic!

Or at least it felt like it...

How could simply speaking words to myself make any difference...

Surely there has to be more to it than that!

But then, came a time where I hit rock bottom.

I couldn't see the light with all the darkness surrounding me.

I was completely consumed with negative thoughts.

I couldn't even say a single nice thing about myself at all.

So after a very long time of being familiar with affirmations but never really allowing myself to immerse myself in them, I decided I had nothing to lose and I started using them.

Did I see my life change straight away; NO.

Did I feel better about myself, YES!

Did I feel empowered and re-energised, YES!

Did I see my behaviours and my actions start to change, YES - almost immediately!

Affirmations are not about changing your life.

They are about changing YOU, to help YOU become better, so that YOU can then start to change your life...

I wrote the affirmations contained in my book "Affirmations for Daily Empowerment" because of what I went through.

To help get me through my darkest moments...

It worked!

Needless to say, I'm converted...

That's why I include an affirmation every single day as part of The Super Powered Mind's content.

I believe in the power of these affirmations so much that I figured that if something worked for me, then surely it can help others and work for others too.

That's why I decided to share them by placing them into my book; Affirmations for Daily Empowerment.

This book contains some of the very same affirmations that I myself used to help get me through.

For me, this isn't just a book of words; this is a book of life saving, and life changing empowerment.

And I know that they can be for you too.

I know that these affirmations can help you just like they helped me...

If you're in need of some self-care and self-love; some restoration to your self-esteem, your self-worth, your confidence, or how you feel about yourself; give this a try.

I know it might seem a little odd at first and maybe they're not for everyone...

But I do know they helped me immensely, and I really believe they can for you too.

And if they do, I'd love to hear about it...

Much love,

~ Mark


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