The only way back to happiness, is by letting go and remembering who you truly are...

The only way back to happiness, is by letting go and remembering who you truly are...

We all go through moments in our lives where we get stuck on hurtful experiences or people from our past.

We hold onto the anger, the resentment, the hurt, and the pain; which only creates negative energy in our mind and in our lives.

But when you’re holding on to all of that anger, resentment, and hurt from the past; you’re feeding these feelings to your subconscious mind…

This only continues to bring more of those unwanted feelings and experiences into your life because you begin to attract what it is that you’re feeding your subconscious mind.

Because your subconscious mind without you knowing, looks for what you feed it…

When you’re finding yourself stuck on something or someone from the past, you need to realise that what you’re holding onto is actually something that no longer exists.

It doesn’t exist in your current reality, it’s merely a memory now and nothing more.

It no longer exists; but the negative energy that is being created by holding onto this and not allowing yourself to let go and move on, exists and it’s pulling you down like a heavy weight.

This negative energy is potentially standing in the way and blocking new amazing experiences, people, and opportunities from entering your life.

As soon as you start to let go of what it is that’s holding you back, the sooner you let go of that negative energy and start moving towards a much higher vibration of energy.

What you need to realise is; that quite often the reason why the things from your past didn’t work out, is because they didn’t properly align with who you really were.

For instance; maybe by nature you’re an ambitious person, but you’re dimming that part of you because you’ve just met someone who you’ve fallen in love with who maybe isn’t so ambitious.

At some point that relationship will begin to disintegrate and experience problems because that person has become supportive of the suppressed version of you, and not supportive of the full version of you who and who you’re trying to become.

This restriction on who you are will eventually turn into resentment because you’re going to start to feel as though they’re holding you back.

But in actual fact what really held you back all along was the fear that you held onto of not being able to be your true authentic self.

If you’re having to dim your light, you’re only going to attract people and things into your life that just don’t align with who you really are.

You’re going to end up settling for a life you didn’t want.

When you allow your full light to shine and you’re unafraid to be your true authentic self, then everything and everyone that comes into your life aligns with who you truly are.

So in order to let go of something; step one is that you first have to understand that what you’re holding on to, no longer exists.

Step two; is to understand that unless you choose to let go of whatever is holding you back, it will prevent you from being the person that you truly are because that fear has been stored in your subconscious mind.

Step three; is to understand that once you do let go and you allow yourself to be your truest authentic self, that only then will you attract the right people and things into your life that truly align with who you really are.

And when this happens, your energy will vibrate at a much more positive level and you will continue to attract more and more of those things into your life.

Your overall levels of happiness, fulfilment, and meaning in your life will increase.

Where you are today, and what you feel today, isn’t necessarily because of the experiences of your past; it’s sometime because you’ve just been afraid to be who you truly are.

Once you accept yourself for who you truly are, and what resonates with you; that’s when you’re able to start moving forward.

And once you trust yourself in being who you truly are; that’s when your life begins to change…

~ Mark

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