The only thing they self-sacrificed was YOU...

The only thing they self-sacrificed was YOU...

One of the things that a narcissist or a toxic person will constantly tell you, is how much they’ve self-sacrificed for you…

The reason they say this is to create a diversion to deflect from their bad behaviours into creating a problem that’s suddenly all about you.

They will think in their own kingdom that they are right.

They will think that no one could possibly give more than they do.

This is their ego at play.

This is their need for your adoration to feed their ego, to give them a sense of grandeur and subsequent entitlement.

They don’t have any real empathy or emotional intelligence; so they fail to see that it is actually you who has self-sacrificed everything for them.

You self-sacrificed your mental health for them.

You perhaps even self-sacrificed part of your physical health for them as a consequence.

You self-sacrificed your finances for them.

You self-sacrificed your job or maybe even your entire career for them.

You self-sacrificed your friends for them.

You self-sacrificed your family for them.

You self-sacrificed your support network for them.

You self-sacrificed your respected reputation for them because they destroyed your creditability with their manipulation and lies.

You self-sacrificed the ability to be support for others because you were too busy trying to deal with the confusion of their toxicity.

You self-sacrificed everything about you.

So much that you don’t even resemble the person that you once were when you entered the relationship with them.

Whereas the only thing THEY sacrificed, was YOU!

As their façade slowly begins to fade, and the mask begins to slip; they need to create some confusion in your mind about what’s really going on so that you don’t notice that the mask is slipping…

They want nothing more than to continue their manipulation of you so that they can feel a sense of power and entitlement in a world where they don’t deserve any.

Them telling you how much they have self-sacrificed for you is nothing more than them continuing to manipulate your emotions and deflecting from their own bad behaviours and toxicity…

They are NOT self-sacrificing at all!

They sacrificed YOU!

~ Mark

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