The most personal piece of me so far...

The most personal piece of me so far...

This is without question the most personal piece of me I’ve shared so far.

In fact, no one’s ever seen this until now.

During the aftermath of having it quite clearly pointed out to me that I had in fact been subjected to narcissistic abuse, I found myself locked in a world of confusion, turmoil, and disbelief.

But the longer the cold hard facts lay in front of me, the harder it was to ignore.

But I was left with more questions than answers, more confusion than clarity; and nowhere or no one to obtain the answers from.

It was a time of retraction and a lot of reflection.

As anyone who’s been through something similar knows; the realisation comes as an abrupt shock to the system, because the manipulation at play blinded you to everything that was always right under your nose.

It was during this time of confusion as I was trying to understand, that I started to question whether or not I myself was a narcissist, and were there things that perhaps I needed to change.

Eventually clarity prevailed and the facts presented told me NO, I was not the narcissist; I was heavily disrespected and manipulated by one.

As I was working through these emotions along with the pain and degradation of self-worth that narcissistic abuse leaves you with, I wrote this poem.

I wrote it as a pledge to myself.

It’s never seen the light of day until now.

And so I’m giving it to you; maybe these words might resonate with you too…



Staring at an empty page

Staring at a world that’s lost its colour

Locked inside the solace of my mind

Frozen in time, in a place with no name


There’s so much I’ve left behind

There’s so many questions that will forever remain answered

My soul feels empty and my spirit now undefined

The life I thought I knew now shattered in pieces and left behind


Trying to live without her hand

Trying to live without a plan

Trying to learn how to trust in love again

It feels like never, I just can’t see when


The pain I feel is not of this world

The confusion that imprisons me, drives me crazy with twists and turmoil

Flashbacks, realisations, reflections of a dream

It now appears that nothing was quite as it seemed


But today I let go, today I take a stand

The lessons I need to learn are along this journey I never planned

All I want to feel is something that’s true and real

I want to love again, but my heart first needs to heal


So for today I start with me

I make a commitment to myself

For I just want to be the best man that I can be

So I write this for me, here’s my resolution…


~ Mark

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