Take the opportunity, before you lose the chance...

Take the opportunity, before you lose the chance...

It’s time to leave behind this notion of trying to find yourself and trying to discover who you are, and start BECOMING yourself instead.

Start creating exactly the person that you want to be.

Start creating exactly what you want your life to look like.

Reclaim your purpose, your identity, and your happiness.

Some people spend their whole lives trying to figure out who they are...

When all they needed to do was to figure out who they wanted to be, what they stand for, what makes them happy, and what is meaningful for them.

Once you know that, the world is yours!

Because everything you do from that moment on aligns with the person you decide to be.

Life isn't always filled with wins and roses...

Things happen to us in life, some good and some bad; but it’s up to us to do something with those experiences.

It’s up to us to use the lessons that we learn to make our lives better, and make the lives of the people we love better.

Isn’t it funny how the direction of our lives can completely change as a result of what we go through…

Our passions shifts…

The idea of what a meaningful life looks like for us shifts…

I wouldn’t be doing this right now had I not gone through some of the things that I’ve personally been through.

Or had I not had certain people come into my life the way they did.

But those experiences have helped shape who I've now become, and I've decided to use those experiences to try and help others.

Figure out who you want to be.

Figure out what it is that you stand for.

And then become that person.

Create yourself and the life that you want to live.

You’re going to find a lot more meaning and fulfilment in your life by doing that, than you are by spending years trying to find the person that already exists inside of you.

You just have to take the person you already are, and do something with it…

You're not here to find yourself, you're here to create yourself.

There is opportunity in every single moment and in every single phase of your life, so take the opportunity now before you lose the chance…

~ Mark

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