Someone who loves you, won't walk away when you're trying your best...

Someone who loves you, won't walk away when you're trying your best...

Stop beating yourself up over a relationship that didn’t work…

Stop going over and over everything in your head wondering what more you could have done, or thinking that you didn’t do enough.

Because hindsight’s a wonderful thing, but it can't change anything about what happened.

It can't change the way that they felt about the relationship.

No one deliberately doesn't try their best for the person they love.

The reality is, you DID do the best you could have at the time.

You did the best with the resources you had, the mental energy you had, and the burdens that you were carrying at the time.

If you were loving, caring, and tried to be the best you could, but for whatever reason it didn’t work out.

You did enough!

If that wasn’t good enough for someone, then they weren’t the right person for you.

Because the right person stays; they don’t leave when things get hard, when things aren't perfect, or when there’s an argument…

They stay because they genuinely love you and they want to work things out and make it to the other side so that they can build a life with you.

If someone has walked away, then they just didn’t love you enough.

They didn’t love you the way you deserve to be loved with the type of love that you deserve.

As much as it’s a hard thought to consider, you have to really question the quality of their love…

Because you deserve someone who’s committed to a life together through all of life’s ups and downs;

not someone who only wants to be around to soak up the good times…

If your best wasn't good enough for someone, let them go.

Because there is someone out there who will appreciate you trying to be your best.

The right person will appreciate your best all of the time.

They will appreciate the small things you do just to try and bring a smile to their face.

They will appreciate the fact that you picked flowers for them and put them in a vase on their bedside table to surprise them.

They will appreciate that you stopped what you were doing just to sit with them because they weren’t feeling the best about the day they just had.

They will appreciate when you cook a meal for them because they’re tired.

They will appreciate when you make them a cup of tea and put on their favourite movie or tv show for them.

It’s the little things that count.

And if someone’s too blind to see the effort that you put in, into the small things and they can’t appreciate that;

Then they’re never going to appreciate the big things…

Stop beating yourself up, because you’re not a selfish person, and you didn’t withhold your love.

You loved the best you could.

You did the best you could.

They just didn't appreciate you, and they weren’t the best person for you…

~ Mark

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