People will appreciate the real you a lot more, than the person they think you should be...

People will appreciate the real you a lot more, than the person they think you should be...

Life is far too short to be worrying about trying to fit into someone else's mold.

So stop worrying about how others think you should live your life and start writing your own story.

One that's true to who you are.

And yes, sometimes that can be scary...

I get it; the fear of judgement from others...

Their opinions of telling you what you should be doing instead...

It can all become quite overwhelming.

But if you're not going to live a life that's true to who you really are, what's the point?

If you're not going to do the things that are meaningful to you, then what's the point?

There simply isn't anyone else like you.

You are unique.

Therefore how could anyone else possibly know what direction is best for you?

They haven't walked in your shoes, they haven't been through what you've been through, and their dreams are different to yours.

Let go of the fear!

Release your doubts, and live YOUR life in a way that is meaningful to YOU!

It's okay to not have it all figured out, but understand that you don't need to have it all figured out before you can start creating the life you want.

You just need to start!

The moments you experience along the way are the moments that create the stories you will tell later on.

You spend far more time in the space of creating your journey and creating who you are becoming, than you do in the space at the end.

Because if you really think about it, there is no end...

You are continually working on something for yourself, progressing, growing, and moving forward.

So let your heart guide you, let the unique and beautiful person you really are come out.

Because people will appreciate the REAL you far more than you think, flaws and all.

You are here to live YOUR life, so don't spend it by living it the way that someone else wants you to live it.

Because that someone else, simply isn't you.

~ Mark

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