One decision can completely change your life…

One decision can completely change your life…

One decision can completely change your life…

Okay, so it obviously won’t change everything overnight.

But it WILL set you on the path of a new direction.

So many people I speak to feel stuck.

So many people I speak to just can’t see how they could possibly change things.

Some even feel like their best years are behind them; they are NOT!

And because they feel this way, they spend their time consuming all sorts of content trying to learn what to do.

Trying to figure it out.

And then they keep consuming, and then they keep consuming some more.

But they never actually do anything.

They never take action.

The reason most people feel stuck ISN’T because there’s something they don’t know.

It ISN’T because of limiting beliefs.

It’s because they haven’t taken action!

You can read all the motivational books in the world.

You can watch as many videos online as you can.

But nothing will change unless you do something with it.

People will spend their time learning as a way of making themselves feel like they're moving forward.

When in actual fact the only thing that really moves you forward is simply taking action.

Successful people don’t wait until they’ve learned everything before they start.

They start and learn as they go.

They learn through their mistakes.

Through their mistakes, they correct and refine what they’re doing.

Because mistakes are NOT failures.

They are part of the process.

Yes, they carry fear too; but they continue to do it anyway.

Because they know that the ONLY thing that can change your situation is by taking action.

No matter what you’ve been through.

No matter where you currently are in your life.

You have the power to change what your life looks like at any given moment.

You have the power to decide that you’ve had enough of not getting what you really want and deserve.

And you really do have the power to create an entirely new reality for yourself.

If there’s something you’ve been putting off, take the first step today.

If there’s something you’ve been thinking about for a while, just do it.

What your past looks like has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what you choose to do today.

Maybe you had a hard upbringing.

Maybe you fell in love with the wrong person.

Maybe everyone else planted seeds of doubt in your mind by telling you it won’t work out.

Or maybe you just never felt confident enough.

Okay, so that’s who you were yesterday...

Who do you want to be today?

Who are you GOING to be today?

Who are you GOING to become tomorrow?

It all starts with that one decision to just take the first step.

Maybe you’re walking away from something.

Maybe you’re starting something new.

Some things are going to work out, some things won’t; but that’s okay…

Because it’s so much better to look back and know that you did what was truly in your heart, than to be stuck with the regret of not ever knowing…

~ Mark

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