Love is a teacher of lessons...

Love is a teacher of lessons...

Love and our relationships can teach us lessons in so many different ways.

Those lessons become the foundation that we build our relationships on.

Here are a few lessons that love and relationships have taught me along the way.

Some of these came as a blessing at the right time.

Some of these came from hard lessons learned…

But with lessons comes new found wisdom.

It’s just up to us to let it in…

Your relationship doesn’t need the approval of anyone else, it just needs to make you and your partner happy.

It's more about how they make you feel rather than what you feel about them.

Without communication there is no trust, and without trust there is no respect.

No amount of love can ever replace the absence of trust and respect.

It’s okay to have differing values on some things, just so long as you continue to respect what your partners values are.

When someone shows you who they really are, don’t ignore who they really are by trying to repaint them in different colours.

Never ignore the red flags early on, because they’ll be the reason that the relationship ends later.

If you’re not prepared to make time for your partner, you’re not really ready to be in a relationship.

There's no point fighting to try and save a relationship when you're the only one fighting for it.

Sometimes you have to let love go and set it free, if it’s meant for you it will come back.

It’s okay to give love a second chance, but only if two people are prepared to work on the foundations that need to be stronger.

Having healthy boundaries makes a relationship stronger, not weaker.

Loneliness is the wrong reason to enter a relationship.

If you’ve still got healing to do, finish healing first before entering another relationship.

Being single is not a curse, because it allows you to learn to love yourself again.

Relationships aren’t about two people wanting to grow, it’s about two people wanting to grow but grow together.

Arguments are going to happen; it’s not about what you fight about but how you fight the problem together.

Times will get hard at some point, love that is real doesn’t give up just because it rains.

The hardest times bring you closer together.

The right person will show you they love you and care about how they make you feel all of the time, not just when the conditions are right.

Love doesn’t make you happy if your partner doesn’t care about the way they make you feel.

If someone won’t give you the bare minimum basics such as their time, their communication, and their affection; you don’t really have a relationship.

Actions have to match words spoken.

Always listen to your instincts because if you feel like you deserve better, it’s because you do.

Love is about all the little tiny moments that happen every single day.

Compliments and appreciation are cheat codes.

Love and relationships change, it’s up to you and your partner to grow together through that change.

Always allow someone to just be themselves, don’t try to change them.

Allow yourself to love with an open and vulnerable heart, don’t give only part of you to someone who’s trying to give you all of them.

Always make time to just be with one another, no matter how busy life gets; because your relationship is bigger than anything else.

Love is more about being the right person, than it is about trying to find the right person.

~ Mark

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