Let them paint you as the villain...

Let them paint you as the villain...

Let them paint you as the villain in their story.

Let them tell people that you were too much.

Let them tell people that it was all your fault.

Let them tell their evil deceptive lies.

Because the truth is, it doesn’t matter how it ended, it’s ended.

And what they choose to think about you isn’t a battle that you need to worry about fighting anymore.

All of those moments that you went out of your way, made plans to surprise them, poured your heart and soul into loving them, and trying to convince them of your worth and how you felt;

You get to wipe your hands of all of that now.

You KNOW your truth, and the truth ALWAYS comes out.

If someone’s lying about you or the way you were,

If someone's twisting the truth to make things look a certain way because they know the truth will make them look bad;

Remember that the people that matter in your life who matter most will KNOW the truth, and that’s what really matters.

If you just keep trying to fight their lies or try to have the final word, you’ll not only waste more time and energy on someone who doesn’t deserve it;

But you’ll also end up looking like the same desperate person that they are.

So just let it be, let it go.

Keep your chin up and hold your head high, because you know the truth.

Don’t let their noise destroy the peace in your life.

Remember what really actually matters.

And remember that the truth ALWAYS comes out.

And even if it doesn’t, the people in your life that really matter know the truth anyway…

~ Mark
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