It's time to let go...

It's time to let go...

Just as each wave gently crashes onto the shore and knows when it’s time to release its way back;

we too must learn when it’s time to release the weight of what weighs us down.

Letting go isn’t about choosing to forget or choosing to no longer acknowledge how you feel;

rather it’s about making space in your life for beautiful new people and opportunities to enter…

Have you ever noticed how even the tallest of trees know when it’s time to let go of their autumn leaves; they don’t resist…

They allow the breeze to carry them away, because they trust that a new season will bring new growth.

This simple act in nature teaches us that there’s a beauty in surrendering to what is.

Letting go means releasing all of the burdens that steal your peace away from you.

It means releasing the fears that holds you back from being the person you truly want to be.

If you can imagine just for a moment, how you would feel after releasing yourself from a warm embrace from a loved one…

You let go of that embrace with warmth and a heart full of love.

That’s exactly how letting go should feel…

It’s about embracing the love within your heart.

It’s about letting go of what’s become too painful to keep holding onto.

And it’s about allowing yourself to feel free and open to what awaits you.

Letting go isn’t about losing anything;

it’s about gaining freedom, clarity, perspective, and peace.

It’s like holding a tiny bird in the palm of your hands and feeling its delicate heartbeat, and then opening your hands to let it soar into an endless sky.

Letting go is not the end; rather, it’s the start of a new beginning…

~ Mark

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