It doesn't matter what they say, you are NOT the narcissist...

It doesn't matter what they say, you are NOT the narcissist...

What happens when a narcissist pushes you so far that you finally reach breaking point?

Whether it comes from a new found place of courage, or it’s out of sheer desperation; you react.

But because you’ve been trying to hold it together for so long; you don’t just react, you explode…

It’s like Vesuvius has finally erupted…

Reactive abuse is when you finally react to a narcissist’s manipulation, toxic behaviours, and their abuse.

A narcissist will disrespect you, manipulate you, and push you to the point where you do finally explode.

You’ve had enough.

You can’t take it anymore.

It’s a moment when their abuse, neglect, disrespect, gaslighting, and manipulation all becomes too much.

But they’ve been waiting for this moment.

Because now that this has happened, they can use this very moment to showcase to everyone else that you are in fact the problem, enabling them to avoid taking any accountability for the things they did to cause your reaction.

They will switch roles from the abuser to claiming that they are in fact the victim.

This is known as DARVO - They DENY, they ATTACK, then they REVERSE the roles of VICTIM and OFFENDER.

They will label you as the abuser.

They will frame you as being the problem.

They will even call you the narcissist…

It’s a manipulation tactic they have been waiting to use.

They are by no stretch at all, a victim of any kind.

They are the abuser trying to deflect from taking accountability for the way they’ve mistreated you.

You are not the abusive one because you finally reacted.

You are not the narcissist that they say you are.

THEY are the narcissist who has pushed you to this point.

Most victims of a toxic narcissist will at some point react.

You are not the narcissist because you chose to stand up for yourself and fight back.

Your reaction was NOT abuse.

It was you trying to survive because you couldn’t take it anymore.

Because you couldn’t take their abuse any longer.

Them trying to play the victim because you finally reacted to their abuse and torment, is nothing more than them trying to continue their manipulation of you…

~ Mark

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