If you're hurting right now, READ this...

If you're hurting right now, READ this...

Your healing believe it or not, is a gift that you give to yourself…

Your healing is your cocoon, that transforms you into a beautiful butterfly.

It’s the broken pieces that form a beautiful new mosaic.

Healing from a broken heart especially when it’s from a toxic or narcissistic relationship, is truly a transformational journey.

It’s a journey that takes courage, strength, and a lot of self-compassion.

Every single step you take towards healing;

Every time you choose love and forgiveness over anger and resentment, is a step closer to the beautiful new person that you are slowly becoming.

When you’re lost in the wilderness of your heartache, there’s almost nothing that anyone can say or do to make the pain go away.

You can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you don't want to go anywhere, you can’t even function;

Because you’re numb.

Sometimes all you can do is just sit there and stare.

Coming to terms with what happened to you as a result of a narcissistic or toxic relationship is quite the journey.

Because quite often it’s not until you’ve had some time and space away from it that you begin to properly understand what was real and what wasn’t.

Once the realisation starts to set in, you start to question your worth, you start to question if you’re even good enough.

It can destroy your heart, and it can make you incredibly fearful at the thought of ever loving someone or ever trusting someone ever again.

Because the way they treated you was cruel, heartless, and inhumane.

Maybe you’re feeling like this right now.

If you are, I want you to remember something today…

No matter how hard it is to believe right now, you have to remember that there are far more good people in this world than there are evil.

And you have to understand, that even though it feels like you have; you haven’t actually lost anything at all in all of this.

Not really…

Because who you REALLY are still remains as beautiful as ever.

And if anything, what you’ve been through actually makes you even more beautiful, kinder, compassionate, empathetic, and able to appreciate the small gestures of kindness from others perhaps more than what you once did.

Because you’ve been there.

You know what it’s like to hurt.

You know what it’s like to lose yourself.

They on the other hand have just lost someone so loving, so caring, so loyal, so committed, so genuine, and someone that would have done absolutely anything for them.

They’re the ones that have lost something.

Someone that's irreplaceable, that they can never get back...

You deserve real love, real commitment, real respect, and real happiness.

As you heal, I want you to remember to be kind to yourself and don’t feel bad about having off days where you just need to stop and reset.

And remember that even though it may be the last thing on your mind, forgiveness is a powerful healer of the heart.

Not for them, but for you.

Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting, negating, or desensitising what has happened,

But it does free you from the anger and resentment that ultimately is like holding on to a burning hot coal that’s just been pulled from the fire.

When you’re the one holding it, it only ends up burning you…

Please also know that what has happened to you and what you feel like may have changed about you, doesn’t make you any less of a person than what you once were.

It makes you more interesting, more complex in a good way, and believe it or not it makes you someone who can love even deeper the next time around.

Because I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather get to know the person that’s been through the storm, the person that fell to their lowest point but managed to pulled themselves back out again.

The person that managed to take everything they’ve been through and transform into the most beautiful, amazing, and most interesting person I’ve ever met.

Now that’s a story worth telling…

~ Mark


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