Healing isn't about erasing scars...

Healing isn't about erasing scars...

Healing isn't about erasing scars; it's about turning them into beautiful stories of resilience.

It’s not about trying to mend what once was; it’s about taking what’s broken and creating a new piece of art, a beautiful mosaic.

Life has a habit of taking us on detours, unexpected journeys. It can throw us into the darkest of tunnels, where it feels like there's no end in sight. It can feel like we’re walking through an endless storm without an umbrella. Yet it’s in the midst of these storms that we learn the most about ourselves and discover who we really are.

Healing is never a straight line, it takes time. It's a rollercoaster, with ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes you’ll wonder if you’ll even ever make it through.

It's a journey of tears and laughter, of pain and joy, of letting go and embracing what's yet to come. It’s choosing to give yourself love, it's forgiving yourself for not being perfect, and it's celebrating the progress you've made. It's a journey of self-discovery, and of becoming the most authentic version of yourself. You are a work in progress, and that's a really beautiful thing.

Every setback, every tear, every moment of vulnerability, and every moment of doubt is shaping you into the strongest and most amazing person you were always meant to be.

I want you to know that it's okay to feel and it’s okay to hurt; but remember to give yourself the love that you are worthy of. Love for yourself, love for the beautiful mess that you are, and love for the incredible strength you possess.

If you are currently on a healing journey; today, I want you to whisper these words to yourself:

"I am healing, I am growing, I am worthy of love and happiness, I am becoming the best version of myself.”

Remember, this isn’t only a journey of healing; it's a transformation. It's becoming a better, stronger, and more beautiful version of yourself; you are evolving. You are a warrior, you are a survivor, you are resilient, you are strong, you are brave, you are powerful, and you are loved.

You are healing.

~ Mark

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