Have you wondered why some people are happier than others?

Have you wondered why some people are happier than others?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem happier than others?

It’s because they realise that happiness in life comes from the small moments; the minutes, the brief few seconds, the soon forgotten moments.

A kiss, a compliment, a brief moment of joy.

It’s these millions of tiny little moments that provide our lives with happiness, gratitude, contentment, love, and a sense of belonging.

Happiness is not something that you find, it’s something that you create.

Each morning when you wake up you have a choice. You can either choose to focus on the challenges, setbacks, and annoyances in your life; or you can choose to focus on your blessings, gratitude, opportunities, and embrace those tiny little moments of joy.

It’s all about perspective.

Because happiness isn’t about having a lack of problems, it’s about your attitude towards them. It’s not about waiting for the perfect time or the perfect set of circumstances, it’s about how you decide to react to whatever comes your way.

Happiness is a choice, and it’s a conscious decision that we make every single day.

There is absolutely no one else on this planet that feels what you’re feeling inside your heart or inside your mind; it’s purely an internal state of being.

So why not make the decision for YOU to CHOOSE happiness; because at the end of the day, you hold the pen to how your story is written…

~ Mark


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