Growth is the key you've been looking for

Growth is the key you've been looking for

Pleasure is temporary, it’s only GROWTH that provides true happiness and contentment.

Think about it; someone gives you a compliment, you find out you just got that promotion, or maybe you’ve just bought a new car. You feel great! But after a short while, that hit of dopamine begins to fade.

It’s like eating a piece of chocolate, it tastes amazing when it’s in your mouth but five minutes later you’re back to doing what you were doing and that piece of chocolate is all but forgotten.

Only by being our true authentic self and living with growth, meaning, and purpose, can we ever really experience true fulfilment and happiness.

But if we want to grow we have to get used to feeling uncomfortable, because if we want a different outcome from the one we’ve always received; we have to think differently, and we have to try different things.

When we try different things that are new to us, it can feel really uncomfortable.

But here’s the thing; feeling discomfort is only ever temporary, but growth is permanent.

Eventually that discomfort you feel, will fade.

We are here to GROW, because true happiness doesn’t come from things, goals, or other people; these things are all only ever temporary moments.

Real happiness comes from within.

True happiness and fulfilment only comes from who we are but more importantly who we become.

So be yourself.

Discover who you really are, what you like, what sets your spirit on fire; and don’t ever try to be someone else.

You are so incredibly, beautifully unique and that is your superpower, because there’s only ever going to be one of you!

~ Mark

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