Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting or condoning what they did, it’s about allowing yourself to finally be free...

Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting or condoning what they did, it’s about allowing yourself to finally be free...

Nelson Mandela once said; “resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies”.

Holding onto anger and resentment is like holding onto a hot stone and getting burned by it.

When you hold on to anger and resentment instead of inviting forgiveness into your life, the only person you end up hurting when you don’t forgive is YOU.

Forgiveness for others, but more importantly forgiveness for yourself.

Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting or condoning the wrong doings from others, rather it’s about allowing yourself to be free from the negative emotions that hold you back from your own healing and your own growth.

Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, nor does it make what’s happened right;

but it does allow peace for the future...

It allows freedom and new beginnings to enter our lives as we clear out the unwanted baggage.

The freedom to start again, and the freedom of taking complete accountability for the life you’re living so that you can put your energy towards what really matters.

So forgive yourself for the moments that weren’t your finest, because you’re learning and growing from them.

And forgive others, not because they deserve it; but because YOU deserve the peace...

~ Mark

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