Don't waste your time by being with the wrong person...

Don't waste your time by being with the wrong person...

Every year, every month, every week, and every single day, that you waste with the wrong person;

someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them;

or someone who isn't committing themselves to you as you are to them;

is time that you're not getting to spend with the right person...

You deserve to be loved the way that you want to be loved!

And someone out there deserves you and deserves all of the love in your heart that you're ready to give.

Someone who's values, who's love, and who's heart aligns with yours.

The one thing that we're never sure about is how much time we have left;

so don't waste it by being with the wrong person.

Don't deprive yourself of precious time that you could be spending with the right person and feeling the most amazing love you've ever known.

Because all those painful moments and tears you cried that continue to haunt you from being with the wrong person;

just know that the right person would NEVER put you in that position to begin with...

~ Mark

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