Don't judge... Ever

Don't judge... Ever

When we judge someone without first trying to understand, that is often a reflection of the fears and insecurities that we hold within our own selves.

People will be judgemental of what they don’t understand or what they are fearful of.

When we judge someone without understanding it is really our ego and our inner fears that are putting up their defenses and doing the talking.

Everyone’s story is different and everyone’s struggles are different.

By replacing judgement with understanding, criticism with compassion, prejudice with love, and beginning to empathise with kindness; not only are we refusing to place labels and instead open doors, we also move closer to healing those fears and insecurities that exist within our own selves.

We are all perfectly imperfect. We all make mistakes, we all have struggles and challenges; but it’s through our imperfections that we learn our greatest lessons.

There is always a kinder, gentler, and more compassionate way to approach something that you don’t understand rather than using judgement, ignorance, or ego.

~ Mark

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