Appreciate the person who loves the REAL you!

Appreciate the person who loves the REAL you!

We live in a society where unfortunately we have depreciated our self-worth so much that so many people today rely on seeking false validation from social media in the form of likes, emoji's, and comments instead of giving that time to the people that really matter.

Those likes and emoji's; they aren't real, they hold no real value, and they hold no real meaning; they are simply forgotten five minutes later once the high begins to subside.

The person who actually loves you ends up taking second place, while everyone else who only sees what you carefully allow them to see becomes your priority.

Today, and every other day, make the conscious decision to put down your phone and actually give your time and attention to the person in your life that adores you and thinks the world of you.

Appreciate the person that's right in front of you that loves the REAL you, the version of you that doesn't have a filter on your face, who loved the other 49 photo's you took before you took that one perfect photo to give to the world.

Because you can never replace someone who genuinely loves all of you and who wants to dedicate and spend the rest of their life with you.

Appreciate what you have, before one day it becomes what you had.

~ Mark


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