A leopard CAN change their spots!

A leopard CAN change their spots!

Have you ever heard the saying; a leopard never changes its spots?

It suggests that someone cannot change their character, or the person they are.

It suggests that they’ll always be the same person they’ve always been, and they’ll always have the same bad habits or personality traits they’ve always had.

But this is simply NOT true.

In fact, the people that usually say such things, often say this about others because deep down they can see their own flaws but they themselves are not willing to change or put in the required effort to change.

They make the assumption that everyone else is like them.

It says a lot more about them, than it does the person they are casting judgement on.

People DO change, people DO want to improve and be better, and people DON’T deserve to be confined to their mistakes from yesterday.

Because constantly reminding someone of their mistakes, or holding grudges or judgement for their mistakes, actually hinders their growth.

People DO learn, they DO grow, and they absolutely WILL change.

No one is perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect and that’s what makes us special.

Judging someone on their past, telling someone that they are not enough, or that they aren’t trying their best are very damaging things to do and say to someone.

It disintegrates their self-esteem, their confidence, and their self-worth.

People will always try their best with the resources that they have.

Someone may not have had very good resources, coping mechanisms, strategies, or the appropriate knowledge that they needed in their past.

But that’s no reflection whatsoever of their potential or who they are capable of being in the future with the right resources.

If you feel that someone in your life is not trying their best or not being their best; it’s most likely because they just need better resources or, in a lot of cases;

they just need love.

Remember, every single person whilst we all have our differences and attributes that make us unique; we all ultimately want the same thing.

To feel loved, to feel safe, and to feel wanted.

When someone feels loved, safe, and wanted all at the same time they WILL change their spots, because they’re in an environment that allows them to do so without the fear of being constantly reminded of their past mistakes or being judged for trying to change.

People change because of love, presence, and understanding; not judgement or persecution.

~ Mark

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