You deserve REAL love!

You deserve REAL love!

YOU deserve REAL love.

Don’t ever settle for anything less.

Finding the right partner isn't about searching for perfection; it's about finding someone who brings out the best in you, believes in your dreams as much as you do, and who walks hand in hand with you through life's ups and downs.

Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way… I fell in love hard with someone who in the end turned out to be a very clever and a very cunning covert narcissist. They destroyed my heart and they destroyed almost every aspect of my life without any accountability, empathy or remorse.

During my healing journey once the relationship had ended, I discovered things about them that made me question the validity of the relationship entirely and how genuine it really was.

I realised that when it comes to your heart it’s better to wait for the right person than to settle for the wrong one.

But how do you know if they’re the right someone?

Wait for someone who wants to be part of your world as much as you want to be part of theirs.

Wait for someone who will spend time with you, not someone that will make you feel alone.

Wait for someone who is emotionally mature enough to handle life’s ups and downs together, not someone who gives up when things get hard.

Wait for someone who loves you unconditionally and is committed to you, no matter what the obstacles are.

Wait for someone who when you argue with one another will say to you, let’s fix this because I can’t lose you.

Wait for someone who will defend you and stand up for you even when you’re not around.

Wait for someone who will be accountable, not someone who will deflect and point blame at everyone else.

Wait for someone who will respect your boundaries, not someone that will disrespect you.

Wait for someone who values and appreciates your love, not someone who seeks validation from social media.

Wait for someone who will listen with their heart, not with their ego.

Wait for someone who will bring you peace, not chaos.

Wait for someone who wants to make you part of their life, not just a chapter in their story.

Wait for someone who will grow with you and love every single version of you.

Wait for someone who loves you so much that when you’re with them you feel like you’re finally home.

Love is precious – Don’t waste your heart on someone that doesn’t realise you are too.

~ Mark

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