Welcome to The Super Powered Mind

Welcome to The Super Powered Mind

Welcome to The Super Powered Mind!

The Super Powered Mind is a deeply personal journey that has been years in the making from some of life’s most difficult, challenging, and traumatic moments. A journey that I’m now sharing with you to help you on your own personal development journey.

The simple fact that I’m even able to share The Super Powered Mind with you means so much to me because I’ve been through so much. Though as each challenge came, and I felt like my life was spiraling out of control; I knew I wasn’t prepared to become a victim, but nor was I prepared to just sweep everything under the carpet either. I continued to make a promise to myself that instead of becoming a victim, that one day I was going to use what I had been through to help as many people as I possibly can.

It wasn’t until I was studying for my NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) that the realisation of why so many things had happened the way they had in my life did. My eyes had been thrust wide open and my mind forcefully awakened to a whole different reality that I had already lived but was completely unaware of. My outlook on life as I knew it had been changed forever and I knew right there and then that I had an important message to share.

I discovered a world of both light and dark. I discovered a reacquainted relationship with my authentic self, I discovered inner strength that I never knew existed, and I experienced an awakening of the mind unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I also discovered many things about my reality, or at least what I thought was my reality. I discovered that I had in fact been exposed to a very covert and a very clever and cunning narcissist who without me even realising it had starting to negatively shape the person that I was becoming, the evidence of which became so overwhelming that it took a period of time to adjust to the confusion and realisation of not only the mistreatment and the manipulation but just how far they had taken me off course and away from my true authentic self. I discovered so much about how to harness human emotion and intuition that it completely rebuilt my entire framework in which I lived by, but above all I discovered a whole new opening to a world of purpose, happiness, meaning, and true authenticity.

The Super Powered Mind has been created to help you grow from life’s challenges, and to help you uncover and unleash your true potential that already exists inside of you so that you can build a life of true authenticity and happiness. It draws on my own experiences with mental health, relationships, narcissistic abuse, grief, trauma, corporate bullying and discrimination, judgement, betrayal, adversity, confidence and self-esteem issues, healing, self-discovery, personal transformation, as well as uncovering the secrets of gratitude and how to create true happiness.

As we embark on this journey of personal growth together, I hope that my story and what I share through The Super Powered Mind brings you hope, light, courage, healing, guidance, and the belief that you are worthy and powerful just as you are, and that you are already so incredibly beautiful.

I hope that The Super Powered Mind allows you to invite healing into your heart, and brings authenticity, purpose, and happiness into your life, so that you can experience true personal growth and transformation and become the person that you were always meant to be.

The Super Powered Mind website is now live, and myself and my team will be delivering content to you daily on our social media platforms designed to inspire, provoke new ways of thinking, and to help you on your own journey of self-discovery.

The Super Powered Mind will also be progressively rolling out a series of books specifically designed to help you with your own personal transformation. The first of which is now available; The Super Powered Mind - 140 Ways to Live a Happier Life.

Life itself is an entire series, it’s not just a few chapters or even a novel. There are so many stories that make up your life. You are the author of your entire story, the whole series; believe in yourself, believe in your potential, and believe that you can write the most amazing and incredible story that’s ever been told.

Join me and many others on a journey of self-discovery, healing, purpose, and authenticity.

You deserve to become the very best version of your true authentic self and unleash your potential.

Much love,

Mark xo

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