This is what toxicity & manipulation sounds like...

This is what toxicity & manipulation sounds like...

Knowing what toxicity and manipulation sounds like, helps you to understand what to look out for.

It also makes it harder for you to be manipulated...

Below are some common phrases that a toxic person will often say to you...

This is what toxicity and and manipulation sounds like...

"I know we just met, but I feel connected as though we are soulmates";

is love-bombing.

"If you really cared about me, you'd do this for me";

is manipulation as an ultimatum.

"You need help, you're unwell; something is wrong with you";

is victim blaming.

"I never asked you to do that";

is non-recognition.

"I'm sorry you feel that way";

is manipulation disguised as a non-apology.

"I'm a good person";

is deflecting from accountability.

"Oh my goodness, will you stop over-reacting";

is minimising and invalidating how you feel.

"You're not capable of understanding this, so I'm not going to bother explaining";

is patronisation.

"I cheated on you because you were too busy working" (and then proceeds to also blame the person they cheated with for their actions);

is blame-shifting.

"I can't do anything right";

is manipulation by playing the victim.

"Nobody else would put up with this";

is manipulation by guilt tripping.

"Why can't you be more resilient like this person";

is manipulation by triangulation.

"It was just a joke";

is manipulation by gaslighting.

"You're taking this way too personally, you're too sensitive";

is invalidation.

Words can sometimes become confusing to understand, especially if spoken by someone who's trying to manipulate you.

I hope this helps...

~ Mark

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