Don't let the fear and trauma you've been left with, rob you of your future happiness...

Don't let the fear and trauma you've been left with, rob you of your future happiness...

Love should be filled with joy, warmth, comfort, and the happiest moments of our lives.

But sometimes love takes a wrong turn.

It can leave scars that linger on, long after a relationship has ended.

The fear and the emotional trauma of having your heart all but destroyed by the last person who claimed to love you can be paralysing.

But worst of all, it can prevent you from opening your heart to the possibility of a healthier, more nurturing relationship in the future.

In order to break free from this fear, and to be able to find the courage to embrace healing, and the hope of love once again;

it's crucial to acknowledge your past rather than trying to just simply move on from it.

If you ignore or suppress what has happened, the likelihood of a relapse later on is extremely high.

Except it can potentially be magnified.

Emotional trauma can cast a long, dark shadow on your future relationships if you don't acknowledge, process, accept, and learn from what has happened.

The reason people don't do this, is because it's painful.

Because they're scared to face it, because it's already been an ordeal they weren't prepared for.

But understand that the fear you carry is a natural response to the wounds that someone has inflicted on you.

It's okay to feel this fear; it's okay to understand where it comes from, and it's okay to feel emotional about it.

But what’s not okay, is to allow it to define your future.

Before you begin your own healing, give yourself permission to grieve the loss of the relationship and the person you thought your partner was.

Allow the tears to flow, express your anger, and release all of the pain that has been bottled up inside.

Grieving is not a sign of weakness; rather it's a powerful step towards reclaiming your strength and resilience.

Take some time to rediscover self-love for yourself again.

Understand that your worth is not defined by what someone who was toxic did to you.

Understand that just because they were cruel and heartless; that it's not because there's anything wrong with you; rather it's an internal reflection of them and how they feel about themselves...

Nurture yourself with love, kindness, compassion, and use positive affirmations to help you on your journey and to remind you of your worth, and who you are again.

Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend going through the same; and slowly but surely, you'll begin to see the amazing strength that already exists within you, start to return once again.

Forgive yourself for anything that you’ve been holding onto, and allow it to come out.

Release the burden of your anger and your resentment; but remember the lessons it taught you.

Share your story with others without worrying about the fear of judgment; and allow the love and care of others to help restore the broken pieces of your heart.

One of the most powerful strategies for overcoming fear and trauma as a result of emotional abuse, is by reframing your perspective.

Instead of viewing love as a potential source of harm, see it as an opportunity for growth, genuine connection, and real happiness.

Understand that not everyone carries the same toxicity as the last person in your life did; and that the right person will cherish and nurture the beautiful soul that you are.

Opening your heart to love again requires vulnerability; and that can be a scary place.

But it is through this vulnerability that we end up experiencing our deepest connections.

So have the courage to take the small steps; one at a time.

And slowly start moving towards eventually being able to trust someone with your heart again.

Allow them to see the real you, and don’t be afraid to let who you are shine.

In time, you’ll begin to tear down that wall that you’ve built, and you'll slowly start to see that love absolutely has the power to heal all of the wounds that you once thought could never be healed.

Don’t allow the fear and trauma that someone else left you with, to steal from your future happiness.

Don't allow that fear and trauma to define any part of your future.

Take your journey of healing one step at a time, and with an open heart.

Your scars will remind you of your strength, your resilience, and your courage.

So have the courage to one day when you're ready, fall in love again.

Because the right person for you is out there somewhere.

Who knows where, how, or when you’ll meet them.

But what is certain, is that you deserve much better than what you had.

And the right person, wants to give this to you.

Your healing is your time to start building a wonderful new path, the one you should have always had.

Except this time, you’re wiser, stronger, and braver than ever before.

~ Mark


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